Case Studies

Riet’s journey to a healthier pregnancy

Riet and her husband share their first pregnancy experience and explain why they have decided to give birth to their second child at the health centre.
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Good husband and father, healthy child

Pen's attitude towards his son's development has transformed after attending a fathers group. Now the group's leader, he is encouraging other men in his community to support their children and…
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Health centre boosts maternal and child health

For the first time in decades, the Kavet indigenous people from a community in Siem Pang district in Stung Treng province have a health centre that is increasing the health of babies and young…
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COVID-19 changed my life

Sokhan, a 17 year old girl from Siem Reap province, Cambodia, shares how COVID-19 has impacted her family’s lives.
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5 ways climate change is disrupting girls’ lives

These stories show how the inequalities experienced by marginalised girls and young women are amplified by the impacts of climate change.
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Young teacher inspires change in her community

Tot has always excelled in her studies and has never let her physical disability get in her way. Soon, she will become the first in her area to graduate from Siem Reap Provincial Teacher Training…
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