Case Studies

Nicole: Dangerous Liaisons

13-year-old Nicole (not her real name) continues to deal with the aftermath of being sexually assaulted by a foreigner who was introduced by her friend.
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Kristine: Promised lies

After finishing high school, 17-year-old Kristine (not her real name) was promised a job in Singapore, only to find out that she was being trafficked.
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Families rebuild their lives in the wake of Typhoon Rai

The strongest typhoon to hit the Philippines last year has left survivors in desperate need of drinking water and food.
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From abuse to freedom

Andrea* never expected be in an abusive marriage. But her dream of having a happy family and loving husband quickly turned into a nightmare when she became a survivor of domestic abuse.…
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Youth advocate leads siblings clear of violence

Gabriel*, a 16 year old child rights advocate from Western Samar, Philippines, tells the story of how he freed himself and his siblings from abuse and violence happening at home. This story…
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How cassava leaves launched a young girl’s dreams

Marialyn, 16, was at risk of dropping out of school. Now she is staying in school, learning new skills and looking to a positive future.
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Teacher keeps children safe online

After training from Plan International, teacher Ryan Dorol is sharing his knowledge of online abuse with her students and is teaching them how to stay safe.
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LGBTIQ+ ally calls for freedom online

Raymart, 22, is a proud member of the LGBTIQ+ community and is using his voice to advocate for an end to abuse online for everyone.
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Woman leads call for cyber safety in her community

Juggling between work and motherhood is not an easy feat, let alone if you are a single mother. This is why being part of the Plan International Philippines’ Cyber Safe Spaces Project is one…
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Girl promotes safe spaces online

Hanna is raising awareness among her peers of the risks and benefits of using the internet.
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Girl entrepreneur calls for safer internet

Following training on her rights from Plan International, Jane, 22, is using her voice to call for an end to online abuse.
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Girl promotes mental wellbeing during pandemic

Shem, 18, realises the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people's mental health. That's why she's determined to raise her voice and make a difference.
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