Annual Public Relations Report 2024

This report showcases the collective efforts of our team, partners, and communities in advancing the rights and well-being of children, especially girls, adolescents, and young women across Cambodia.

Annual report cover

In FY24, we made remarkable progress in promoting gender equality, enhancing early childhood education, and supporting health and nutrition for children in our target areas.

We launched key initiatives such as guidelines for pre-schools attached to primary schools, pre-school textbooks, guidelines for open defecation-free verification, the National Guiding Principles for Nutrition-Sensitive WASH interventions, Implementation Manual and Activity Manual on the School Learning Garden and Kitchen in Cambodia and the Guidebook for Action Plans in Learning Gardens and Kitchens for Primary Education, Safe School Guideline in alignment with the Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030 and a comprehensive study on Child Early and Forced Marriage and Union (CEFMU).

The CEFMU study significantly contributed to the development of a comprehensive National Action Plan to eliminate CEFMU.

The achievements are more than just milestones

They are steps towards creating lasting change. Through partnership with line ministries, NGOs, and community leaders, we continue to address the systematic challenges that hinder children’s full potential. Almost 500,000 people (more than 235,000 children) benefited directly and indirectly from our intervention.

Highlight of achievements

Download the report here



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Categories: About Plan International, Campaigns, Early childhood development, Education, Protection from violence, Sexual and reproductive health and rights, Skills and work, Uncategorized, Youth empowerment Tags: Organisation information
