Neglected Crisis Advocacy Brief – July 2023

This advocacy brief shines a light on 5 crises which for too long have remained neglected: Burkina Faso, Niger, NWSW Cameroon, Mozambique and Haiti.

Neglected crisis advocacy brief July 2023 report cover image

Ahead of the United Nations Security Council’s Annual Debate on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC), Plan International has produced this brief to shine a light on 5 crises which for too long have remained neglected: Burkina Faso, Niger, NWSW Cameroon, Mozambique and Haiti.

They are all official CAAC Situations of Concern and we are present as a humanitarian organisation responding to all of these crises. 

We call on the UN Security Council and the international community to mobilise to better protect and support children living through these conflicts.

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Advocacy brief


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Emergencies, Protection from violence, Child protection in emergencies
