No minor is a weapon of war

Statement from the Forum of Humanitarian NGOs of Colombia

Under any circumstances, no minor may be instrumentalised as a weapon of war.

 ©Plan International / Andrés Chantré
©Plan International / Andrés Chantré

The attached statement, “No Minor is a Weapon of War” was launched at the NGO Humanitarian Forum in Colombia, of which Plan International is a member, on the situation of recruitment and use of children and adolescents. This Statement was launched in the framework of the visit of United Nations Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.

Download the statement (in English or Spanish) to read more.

No minor is a weapon of war (English)


132.69 kb

Las niñas y los niños no son un arma de guerra (español)


128.76 kb

Categories: Protection from violence Tags: Child protection in emergencies
