Their Time is Now – Time to Act
Report of the regional comparative analysis of approaches to youth activism and engagement to eliminate child, early, and forced marriage in Asia
A comparative analysis aims to systematise the information from 10 Asian countries where young people are supported by Plan International in preventing, reducing, and eliminating child marriage.

As part of a multi-phased research series in the countries of South and South East Asia, the recent Time to Act! report (2018) identified youth-led advocacy and activism among the interventions and innovative approaches with a high potential for impact if implemented at scale by governments and other stakeholders.
This comparative analysis, Their Time is Now – Time to Act! builds on the report and on previous child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) research studies and focuses on different aspects of youth-led activism, advocacy and engagement to eliminate CEFM in Asia.
This comparative analysis aims to systematise the information from 10 Asian countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam) where young people are supported by Plan International in preventing, reducing and eliminating CEFM.
It also provides an analytical overview of the key enablers and barriers encountered by youth advocates. This comparative analysis report presents key findings on structural and functional aspects of the youth groups engaged in CEFM elimination, while offering a set of practical recommendations for key stakeholders.
It is complemented with a thematic brief, serving to strengthen and further legitimise youth engagement and activism in ending CEFM across Asia.
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Categories: Campaigns, Protection from violence, Youth empowerment