Reading Between the Lines

Analysis of Child Sponsorship Cancellations in the Philippines

This report presents findings of a study exploring the trends and patterns uncovered from analysing sponsorship data from Plan International Philippines. It is a detailed study of the cancellations that occurred in the Child Sponsorship Programme in the period June 2014 – December 2016. 

Reading between the lines report cover image

The Child Sponsorship Programme started in the Philippines in 1961, with the aim of helping children realise their rights to healthcare, education, protection and high quality of life. 

The cancellation of sponsorship for these children is a condition when they (either the Sponsored Child or their families) decide to drop out of the programme and no longer wish to receive support in the future or they reach the maximum age, 18 years, for coverage under the programme.

The cancellation may be triggered due to various reasons related to economic, social or local contexts. It is however important to understand the sensitivities related to the cancellations as the analysis of this data could deepen an understanding of both long and short-term impacts on our current programming.

The emphasis on the analysis of employment-related cancellations is primarily to understand the motivations that draw sponsored children towards active job seeking or other forms of economic opportunities. This analysis throws light on the growing number of sponsored child job seekers who end up in the informal sector for an immediate or primary source of income to support themselves or their families.

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