Not for sale
Say NO to the commercial sexual exploitation of children
Only by working together can this issue become a national priority to be properly addressed by our leaders.
The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) remains prevalent and lucrative in the Philippines, with many children having their bodies sold in exchange for money. Only by working together can this issue become a national priority to be properly addressed by our leaders.

Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) has become much easier to facilitate, and much more dangerous.

Children remain extremely vulnerable to sexual exploitation and abuse.

Limited discussion around commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) keeps the issue thriving in the shadows.
their stories
our efforts
Down to Zero Project
Down to Zero (DtZ), an alliance of Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Plan International Netherlands, Defence for Children – ECPAT, Free a Girl and ICCO Cooperation, aims to protect children and youth who are at risk or are victims of sexual exploitation during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Down to Zero is addressing Sexual Exploitation of Children in the following ways:
- Service provision
- Awareness raising
- Lobby and advocacy
- Capacity building
- Networking
- Research
DtZ in the Philippines identifies and works with actors in the community, government and private sector who hold vital roles in safeguarding children and ending sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism and online.
#NotForSale: A Safer Twitter Hub
Plan International Philippines has partnered with Twitter to develop the #NotForSale: A Safer Twitter Hub — an informational resource for those seeking to know more about digital citizenship and the Twitter safety features that can help fight the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children.
Parents’ Guide to Instagram
Plan International Philippines has partnered with Instagram to develop a Filipino version of the Parents’ Guide to Instagram. This Guide includes helpful tools for parents and their kids to learn and talk about the safety features of the app, and practice healthy digital habit and maintain account privacy.
Anti-Online and Offline Child Sexual Exploitation Bill
Plan International Philippines, as a member of the Child Rights Network, the largest alliance of organizations and agencies pushing for children’s rights legislation in the Philippines, lauded the House of Representatives for passing on third and final reading House Bill No. 10703 or the bill providing stronger protections against online and offline child sexual exploitation and abuse on 31 January 2022.
Plan International Philippines now joins the call of child-focused organizations for Congress to immediately convene the bicameral conference committee and have this important legislation up for the President’s signature before the 18th Congress ends on June 30, 2022.
This study is designed to inform a healthy, fact-based discussion on the commercial sexual exploitation of children in the Philippines.
Download options
Full Report
17 mb
Fact sheet
204 kb