Case Studies

From child bride to girls’ rights advocate

Octavia experienced domestic violence, child marriage, teenage motherhood and school dropout. Now she is helping girls learn about their rights.
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Cabo Delgado conflict disrupts families’ access to food…

Isabel, 26, is among many mothers who are struggling to provide for their families having been forced from their homes by violence in Cabo Delgado.
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Support for families fleeing conflict in Cabo Delgado

Attacks by armed groups have forced thousands of people to flee their homes in Cabo Delgado. Plan International Mozambique is providing immediate support to affected families and ensuring children…
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Lucilene: Sexual and reproductive health needs must be prioritised…

Lucilene explains how despite of COVID-19 movement restrictions sexual and reproductive health services must remain a priority.
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Volunteers keep cyclone girls safe from violence

Plan International has trained 127 volunteer activists in Mozambique to identify and report cases of gender-based violence and abuse in temporary shelters as the country fights to recover from…
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Mother spends 4 days in a tree to save her baby

To escape the lethal flooding caused by Cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Amela spent 4 days in a tree with her new-born child before being rescued by a Plan International search and rescue boat.
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Plan International distributes 160,000 mosquito nets following…

The potential for malaria and waterborne diseases to spread among Cyclone Idai floods puts thousands of vulnerable children at risk.
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Plan International scales up response to Cyclone Idai Disaster…

Plan International has scaled up its response to Tropical Cyclone Idai across Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi where hundreds of thousands are in desperate need of assistance.
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