Case Studies

Haiti’s economic crisis puts children’s education at risk…

Oldsen, 14, is among the millions of children whose education is being interrupted by the crisis in Haiti.
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Emergency plans help families stay safe during disasters

"Now we are aware of why we are most affected during disasters", Diana, 17 years old.
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Cash transfers help Haitian families in crisis

China admits there have been times when the family hasn’t been able to eat for two or three days at a time, putting her and her unborn baby at greater risk
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Mothers struggle to feed their children amid Haiti’s food…

"Since I don't have enough money to feed them, anyone can try to harm them in exchange for food, especially the girls, who are more vulnerable".
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Rising prices affect the economy of families with lower income…

“When things were not so expensive we could eat 3 times a day, but now it is different..."
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Mother, pregnant and hungry: The face of the hunger crisis in…

“I am pregnant and I suffer from malnutrition, because I don’t get food normally. Sometimes I don’t eat anything for a day..."
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