Girls Out Loud

Digital spaces are helping girls learn about their rights and take the lead on discussions around gender issues. They discuss problems that affect girls and other topics that are close to their hearts. Plan International supports and moderates the online groups.

Girls Out Loud (GOL) is a global movement that aims to empower young girls from all backgrounds and help them make their voices heard. Through the creation of digital platforms, GOL provides girls with a safe and inclusive space to learn about their rights and engage in discussions on gender issues. By facilitating open and honest dialogues on relevant topics, GOL helps girls to develop the skills and confidence necessary to become leaders and advocates in their communities. Across 3 districts in Sierra Leone, 250 girls and young women, aged between 16 and 25, are part of the Girls Out Loud movement.

Why do we need Girls Out loud?

GOL uses social media platforms to enable girls and young women to reach and engage with peers who may not have access to traditional forms of education or communication. Through these discussions, Plan International gains valuable insights into the challenges that girls face and uses this information to identify and implement solutions to these problems.

Our goal

Girls Out Loud aims to create safe networks where girls can speak up about their safety and inspire each other to challenge the views of family members, friends, teachers, and religious leaders that continue to limit their growth.

Key highlights

  • We are building girls’ agency to identify cyber bulling and support peers to report cases of online abuse
  • We have established 20 Girls Out Loud clubs in 3 districts across Sierra Leone
  • We empower young girls to safely use the internet in all their diversity
  • We train GOL members in mobile journalism to advance their advocacy

Youth voices

Meet Lois, 24, Girls Out Loud member

“I advise fellow young girls and women to be the change they seek in their communities. Let’s join hands as young people to stop inequality and help to combat the challenges we are going through as women.” – Lois

Read about her journey with Plan International:
