
Plan International and Terre des hommes Lausanne partnership…

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues, Plan International and Terre des hommes announce partnership aimed at providing vital humanitarian support to civilians, especially children.
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Arab Girls’ Summit: A space for girls and young women to make…

To mark International Day of the Girl Child 2022, the Arab Girls’ Summit was held for the first time from 10 to 12 October in Amman, Jordan.
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Women and girls’ rights ‘precarious’ in Middle East and…

Contradictory laws and policy loopholes are perpetuating lifelong discrimination against girls and women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, new analysis by Plan International…
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Jordan sees increase in domestic violence, poor access to family…

Girls and women in Jordan are at greater risk of gender-based violence due to COVID-19 lockdowns. They are also less able to access sexual and reproductive health services or earn an income,…
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Day of the Girl 2019: Girls take over in Jordan

Girls in Jordan took over diplomatic, media and administrative roles as part of the Girls Get Equal campaign and part of the International Day of the Girl celebrations.
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Celebrating International Day of the Girl 2018 in Jordan

International Day of the Girl 2018 was celebrated in Jordan with a series of events designed and led by girls as part of the global #GirlsTakeover campaign.
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