
ASEAN and SAARC must put children’s rights at the heart of…

JOINT STATEMENT: Regional leaders must put children’s rights at the heart of their fight against Coronavirus
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Asia-Pacific: COVID-19 Emergency Response Situation Reports

We are working to ensure the needs of children, particularly girls, are addressed and not left behind in the response to COVID-19. Our Situation Reports are issued every two weeks highlighting…
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Introducing the Asia Girls’ Leadership Index

The 2020 Asia Girls’ Report, presents the current state of girls’ leadership in Asia, based on the findings of our research and the Asia Girls’ Leadership Index.
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Eliminating Child, Early and Forced Marriage

This is the first phase into an extensive research on Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Asia. It provides a snapshot of CEFM in Asia, consolidates and analyses evidence over the past…
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Disability Awareness Toolkit

This toolkit aims to equip field staff and volunteers with a resource that can assist in introducing disability to the community and challenging negative perceptions.
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Research into Gender Equality and ECD initiatives

Between 2014 and 2015, Plan and partner organisations conducted research on the gender dimensions of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) initiatives in 11 countries. This synthesis report…
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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children in Child Marriages…

This report contributes to deepening the appreciation of the interconnections linking child marriage to sexual abuse and exploitation of children and make suggestions for advocacy and programming…
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Getting the Evidence: Asia Child Marriage Initiative

The Asia Child Marriage Initiative report provides evidence on the causes of child marriage practices in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan. It also recommends how to increase protection of…
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Green Skills For Rural Youth in South East Asia

The impacts of climate change, including increasingly severe weather patterns, reach across every country and citizen worldwide, compelling nations to implement sustainable adaptation measures.…
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Are Schools Safe and Equal Places for Girls and Boys in Asia?…

In 2014 Plan International and the International Centre for Research on Women undertook research in 5 countries in Asia, to assess the prevalence, nature, response and reporting of various forms…
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Child Marriage in India

Almost half of all girls in India marry before the age of 18. This study explores the factors contributing to child marriage in India and examines the impact of Plan International’s initiatives.…
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