Youth voices lead the charge at Asia-Pacific disaster risk reduction conference

Press Release
14 October 2024

Plan International in Asia and the Pacific is poised to play a critical role at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2024 in Manila, Philippines, advocating for the active involvement of girls, boys, and youth in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate action.

Poster Plan Intl heading to APMCDRR2024

Delegates from Plan International, representing the Philippines, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Nepal, Bangladesh, Germany, and the Asia-Pacific region, will be joined by youth representatives from the Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) on Gender and Climate Action from Indonesia and the Philippines.

Their engagement will focus on showcasing experiences with child- and youth-centered, gender-responsive solutions, while advocating for youth leadership in decision-making related to DRR and climate action.

Poster of a quote from Rex
Rex, 21 years old from the Philippines, heading towards APMCDRR2024

Call for meaningful youth engagement

“In disasters, youth are not just a vulnerable sector; they are key to the solution,” stated Rex, YLA Youth Ambassador from the Philippines. As he prepares for APMCDRR 2024, Rex will lead the call for meaningful youth engagement to ensure inclusive resilience for all.

The Asia-Pacific region, recognised as one of the most disaster-prone areas globally, faces escalating risks due to climate change, extreme weather, and social inequalities. In 2022, over 140 disasters struck the APAC, leading to over 7,500 deaths, affecting over 64 million people, and causing economic damage estimated at US$ 57 billion. 

As the secretariat for the Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety (APCSS), Plan International will coordinate its extensive network and collaborate with regional partners to amplify young voices in addressing climate and disaster risks.

In collaboration with the Major Group for Children and Youth, Plan International will co-organise the Children and Youth Stakeholder Forum in this APMCDRR. Plan will continue championing school safety initiatives and promoting the comprehensive school safety framework as a vital tool for building resilience in the marketplace.

This initiative commemorates the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on 13th October, which underscores the importance of minimising disaster risks in educational settings.

By facilitating an environment where the next generation can be empowered, Plan International highlights the pivotal role of education in safeguarding children and youth, preparing them for a future free from disaster threats.

Through fostering a culture of safety and preparedness in schools, Plan International and its APCSS partners aim to protect vulnerable populations and empower youth to take proactive roles in disaster risk management.

Commitments toward reducing disaster risks by 2030

APMCDRR 2024, scheduled for October 14-18, hosted by the Government of the Philippines and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), will provide a vital platform to evaluate and enhance cooperation in implementing the Sendai Framework, which calls for significant reductions in disaster risk and losses related to lives, livelihoods, and health.

The conference theme, “Surge to 2030: Enhancing ambition in Asia-Pacific to accelerate disaster risk reduction,” will also spotlight innovative solutions and drive urgent commitments toward reducing disaster risks by 2030.

Girls and young women experience unequal impacts from climate hazards on their livelihoods, education, health and well-being, in way specific to their age and gender and other intersecting identities. Despite these disproportionate risks, girls and young women remain underrepresented in decision-making processes at all levels. Plan International emphasises that youth, particularly girls, are not merely victims – they are powerful agents of change capable of leading disaster risk reduction and resilience-building efforts.

Plan International urges governments, civil society organisations, and youth networks across the region to support and invest in meaningful youth participation in disaster resilience. This includes providing financial and technical resources for youth-led DRR initiatives, promoting gender equity in decision-making, and ensuring youth voices are integral to all phases of disaster risk management and recovery.

“Their voices must be heard, as their meaningful participation should be supported, adequately resourced, and recognised by policymakers and duty bearers.”

Vanda Lengkong, Regional Head of Humanitarian Preparedness, Response and Resilience at Plan International in Asia and the Pacific
Quote from Vanda heading towards APMCDRR2024

“At APMCDRR 2024, we are advocating for the full inclusion of children and young people in disaster and climate decision-making. As future leaders and active agents of change, youth must be given real opportunities to shape disaster risk reduction efforts,” added Vanda Lengkong, Regional Head of Humanitarian Preparedness, Response and Resilience at Plan International in Asia and the Pacific.

“Their voices must be heard, as their meaningful participation should be supported, adequately resourced, and recognised by policymakers and duty bearers.”

Emergencies, Youth empowerment, Activism, Climate change, Climate change activism, Disaster relief, Disaster risk management, girls' leadership
