Mobile journalism (MoJo)

MoJo training supports young peop to enhance their advocacy, storytelling and influencing through creative media and journalism.

Mobile Journalism, or MoJo, is an exciting form of digital storytelling that involves creating content using only smartphones. So far, we have trained over 50 young people across 4 districts in 3 projects.

Why do we need mobile journalism?

The MoJo training supports young people to enhance their advocacy, storytelling, and influencing through creative media and journalism. In line with our Youth Engagement strategy, this approach empowers young individuals to effectively hold others accountable, communicate their messages and advocate for important causes such as access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Our goal

The aim of the MoJo training for youth is to empower the next generation with the skills and tools to become effective storytellers and change-makers in the digital age. MoJo training seeks to equip young people, regardless of their background or location, with the ability to capture, create and share compelling stories. This not only fosters media literacy and creative expression among youth but also supports their skills to advocate for positive change within their communities in a professional way.

Training modules

MoJo training consists of 6 modules guiding the participants through a journey designed to unlock the world of storytelling through the lens of a mobile device.

1. Creating content – having a MoJo mindset

Throughout this module, the young participants dive into the process of creating original narratives, coming up with innovative ideas, and selecting unique angles for their stories. They also explore solution-based storytelling, understanding how to present not only the challenges but also focusing on change-making protagonists within their narratives. Guided by the principles of journalism, they gain a deeper understanding of ethical reporting, accuracy and the pivotal role of media in creating awareness.

2. Photography

This module includes a range of essential topics, including mastering different types of shots and understanding the rule of thirds to create visually engaging compositions. One of the highlights of this module is discovering the power of telling a story through photography in just 4 carefully chosen pictures. By the end of this module, the participants will be equipped with the skills to capture captivating images that resonate with an audience.

Young woman explaining presenting photography tips
A young woman presenting MoJo photography tips.

3. Safety online

Informed consent takes centre stage as participants explore the ethical foundation of getting permission when collecting content and personal information. Navigating the area of social media ethics, they gain insights into maintaining integrity and respecting privacy while participating in online communities. This module also equips youth with essential knowledge on how to use social media platforms safely.

4. Advancing advocacy

This module serves as a guide for harnessing the power of mobile journalism skills to drive impactful change.The participants discover how to effectively communicate their message and shed light on social issues through compelling storytelling and visual narratives. This module goes into detail about how to use mobile journalism as a medium to inspire action, evoke empathy and make lasting contributions to the causes that matter most to the youth of Sierra Leone.

5. Videography

The videography session looks into the fundamental aspects of creating compelling videos. The module includes practicing skills such as interviewing, script writing, filming and editing the final video using a mobile phone. Going through a full production cycle equips the the participants with the skills needed to produce impactful videos that effectively convey their messages and stories.

MoJo skills in practice

During the 2-day mobile journalism training, the young participants put their training into practice and created a video showcasing their experience.
