Safer School

for Girls

(midline assessment)

This study is based on a representative sample surveying 400 pupils, of which 200 are girls and 200 are boys, from 10 primary schools across 6 chiefdoms in Koinadugu district, Sierra Leone. It measured the progress made of project indicators and to understand what is working well to reduce violence in the school and the community.

Read their long & short recommendations:

This study builds on the baseline assessment carried out in 2021, exploring School-Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV) in Koinadugu district in Sierra Leone. SRGBV includes any form of abuse and exploitation that is based on gendered stereotypes or that targets pupils on the basis of their sex.

The assessment explores a multi-level approach focusing on individual, community and institutional levels that build girls’ agency in understanding the provisions of law, their understanding of their rights and support initiatives to champion the changes that concern them.

The assessment found that there are many gender norms, roles and stereotypes that can lead to Gender Based Violence and lack of reporting of it.

Find out more and download the report below:

Read the report

Safer School for Girls (Midline Assessment)


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