Plan International held programme design consultations with adolescents affected by crises in 8 countries including Niger. Read what they suggest.
The adolescents interviewed in the Diffa region highlighted what activities and services they would prioritise in the humanitarian response, which barriers they face in accessing services and support, and what should be done to overcome these barriers.
What needs to be done?

Adolescent girls and boys, and married girls, are clear about their priorities:
1. Meet our basic needs and empower girls with information and skill-building opportunities
Girls and boys want better access to information, education and supplies to promote their protection, health and well-being. Adolescent girls need tailored support to access information, social networks and services.
2. Engage with our families and communities to transform practices and norms that harm us and limit our opportunities
Adolescents emphasise the need to engage with their parents, caregivers, spouses and community leaders to address norms and practices that are harmful to them.
3. Improve our access to services especially in rural and displaced communities
Adolescents call for better availability and quality of health and protection services for adolescents, especially in hard-to-reach communities. Service providers should address stigma against adolescents, particularly girls and survivors of violence.
Download the report
Niger Adolescent Consultation Report
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