Case Studies

Healthy food for all: women fight against malnutrition

Women in Badiangara, Mali, are learning the skills they need to prevent malnutrition in their families and communities.
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Education in emergency: A little girl’s dream

Kadidia, 11, was forced to drop out of school and flee her home due to violence, but she is now safe and continuing her education in a learning centre.
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Building a better future

Mahalia*, a survivor of abuse, is now running her own business and providing for her family.
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Support for survivors of abuse in Mali

Survivors of abuse such as Oura* are receiving health, emotional and financial support so they can look forward to a more positive future.
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Yunus: providing for his sisters and their education

Yunus, 24, is the sole provider for his family. Forced to leave his home due to flooding, he is finding solutions to take care of his family, including the education of his sisters.
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Marry me or leave this village

Sixteen-year-old Awa*, a victim of early marriage and facing armed conflict, had to flee her village in the hope of a better future.
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Youth activist speaks up for girls’ rights in Mali

Having stopped her own child marriage at the age of 13, Aissata, now 24, is speaking out for girls’ rights across Mali.
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Girls in Mali stay in school and avoid early marriage

Girls like Salimata have been able to avoid child marriage and stay in school thanks to community discussions and learning introduced by Plan International Mali.
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Mali’s girl leaders make themselves heard in fight against…

In Mali, girls are taking the lead in the fight against COVID-19 by providing people with accurate information on the disease and advising them of the preventative measures they need to take…
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Keeping girls in education through COVID-19

Alama and 1,252 other young students from 46 PASS+ centres in Mali have received a learning pack so they can continue their education, as well as raise awareness about the prevention and protection…
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Cash project supports children’s education in Mali

Conflict-affected families in Mali can now afford to send their children to school thanks to a cash for work project.
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7 ways to end FGM

Female genital mutilation is a violation of girls' and women's human rights. We must work together to end FGM.
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