Impacts of COVID-19 on girls’ rights and reproductive health

2 JUNE 2020

Daring to ask, listen and act: A snapshot of the impacts of COVID-19 on women’s and girls’ rights and sexual and reproductive health.

Daring the ask cover image

Jordan, a country hosting more than 700,000 refugees in a complex region of the globe, has like most other countries been deeply affected by the impact of COVID-19 on its economy and social system.

During April 2020, the UNFPA Jordan Country Office in coordination with Plan International and the Institute for Family Health (IFH)/Noor Al Hussein Foundation commissioned a rapid assessment of the COVID-19 situation in Jordan.

The overall purpose of this rapid assessment was to measure the impact of COVID-19 on gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health rights among adolescent girls and young women in Jordan, including persons with disabilities.

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rapid assessment report


10.06 mb

Emergencies, Protection from violence, Sexual and reproductive health and rights, Child protection in emergencies, COVID-19, Gender-based violence
