Ending violence through football in Jordan

Around 260 Syrian refugees in Azraq Camp came together for a football tournament to raise awareness of gender-based violence (GBV) as part of 16 days of activism against GBV.

Plan International Jordan teamed up with Finn Church Aid (FCA) in Azraq refugee camp to organise the Sport Is Life football championship to mark the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence starting on 26 November 2017.

The championship, which took place in Village 5, was open to all who wanted to participate. Around 260 people formed 26 teams and created slogans relating to the issue of GBV. These team slogans reflected participants’ understanding of gender equality and ways to prevent GBV in their communities, such as, “Add your voice to mine to stop harassment.”

Each team was provided with equipment and a coach by Plan International Jordan and FCA. Girls and women in particular were excited to take part in the championship as they consider sport to be a gateway for further learning and opportunities.

Ending violence in communities 

The final championship game took place on January 9, 2018. Plan International Jordan and FCA were joined by the Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate (SRAD) in observing the closing ceremony and celebrating the winning male and female teams.

The Sport Is Life championship succeeded in positively impacting the community and raising awareness on gender-based violence. Plan International Jordan continues to build on the outcomes of this event through working with community committees and adolescents in order to make the slogans a reality in communities.

This championship came as part of larger programming for children and adolescents at Plan International Jordan’s community centre in Village 5. The centre also offers psychosocial support interventions, Early Childhood Care and Development, and protection activities for all community members.

A participant of the Sport Is Life games said, “I wish that other organisations follow in Plan International Jordan’s steps to organise more successful activities like this one.”
