The EU can open the classroom door for children around the world
How can the EU support access to education as a key element of human development? Plan International has prepared a list of recommendations for EU Member States to help answer exactly that.

People following child-related policies often come across the subject of “human development”. The concept, which has been around for 3 decades, helps us measure progress beyond economic terms. Instead, human development is about the richness of someone’s life, the creation of fair opportunities and the right to a life with dignity. The 3 foundations of human development are education, health and a decent standard of living.
It is always the right time to talk about equitable access to quality and safe education – and even more so now. Following the recent EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, published by the European Commission, the Council, under the Portuguese Presidency, now promotes a debate on the importance of human development with a focus on education, health, and gender equality.
The follow-up question, then, is one that is easy to ask but trickier to answer: how can the EU use education to ensure no child is left behind?
Plan International has prepared a list of recommendations for the EU Council Conclusions on Human Development to answer exactly this question in order to support the work of EU Member States, focusing on 3 key areas:
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Categories: Education, Emergencies