
Open letter calls on EU leaders to act following US foreign…

In a new open letter to the EU, 96 leading humanitarian organisations have joined VOICE EU to urge European leaders to take a stand following the US foreign assistance freeze. 
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Three years of war in Ukraine: education disruptions deepen…

Five consecutive years of disrupted schooling in Ukraine is having devastating consequences for children’s development and mental wellbeing, child rights NGO Plan International warns as the…
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Six ways the Polish Presidency can champion the rights of children…

Plan International shares six recommendations for the EU to better protect the rights of children, girls and young women.
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Global survey: conflict deepens and amplifies gender inequality…

On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl, Plan International publishes our latest research entitled “Still We Dream”, on how conflict is felt differently by girls and boys.
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Evaluating the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU …

Plan International looks back on the last six months of the Belgian Presidency from 01 January to 30 June 2024.
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NGOs rally at the EU Council: lack of political action prolongs…

A display of 290 red balloons, symbolising 290 days of relentless conflict in Gaza, has been installed in front of the European Union (EU) Council and the European Parliament by a group of non-governmental…
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Gaza: INGO humanitarian snapshot

Snapshot of the obstacles that impede aid delivery in Gaza, with examples from NGOs on the ground.
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Assessment: Ministerial meeting on the future of Syria and the…

Plan International assessment of the 8th edition of the Brussels Conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the region', which took place on 27 May in Belgium.
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New EU development approach threatens decades of progress

Open letter by fourteen international humanitarian organisations in response to the leaked draft Briefing Book from the European Commission's Directorate General for International Partnerships…
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Supporting the future of Syria and the region

Amidst numerous crises competing for attention and resources, including spillover effects and interconnected crises within the region, diminishing funding for the Syria crisis poses a dangerous…
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A call to future European Parliament to become Child Rights…

Candidates to the EU elections are invited to sign the Child Rights Manifesto and form a new Intergroup on Children’s Rights.
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Keep education high on the EU external agenda

A call by civil society organisations on the occasion of the 'Global Gateway High-Level Event on Education' of 11 April 2024.
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