Elena Bratikova
Senior Operations Officer
ECHO Partnership Manager
Mariachiara joined Plan International in August 2022 as the ECHO Partnership Manager of the EU Office, responsible for the office’s humanitarian programmatic work, as well as for relations with DG ECHO, European Commission.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (Anthropology) and a master’s degree in International Relations.
Mariachiara is a passionate humanitarian worker with around twelve years of experience in project and programme management in humanitarian crises and development contexts.
Among others, she previously worked in UNDP Iraq as focal point for the pillar on Local Civil Society Dialogue, under the EU-funded Local Area Development Programme. Previous geographic areas of her work include the West Africa and the MENA region. Thematically, she has been working on issues related to human rights, protection services, food security, livelihoods, education, local governance, social cohesion and gender equality mainstreaming.
E: mariachiara.dellora@plan-international.org
Categories: About Plan International