Sexual and reproductive health and rights

Our goal is to ensure children, adolescents and young people in all their diversity have control of their lives and bodies, and can make decisions about their sexuality, free from discrimination, coercion or violence.

girls smiling looking at a book
Esther, 18, teaches students about their sexual and reproductive health. © Plan International

There has been significant progress in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights for girls and women over the last 20 years, in maternal health, HIV prevention, treatment and care and contraceptive use. However, progress has been slow in other areas – death due to complications of pregnancy, childbirth and unsafe abortions, and levels of gender-based violence remain alarmingly high.

Humanitarian contexts (such as crisis and emergencies) further exacerbate these existing vulnerabilities, putting young people at further risk. During conflict, girls and women may be deliberately targeted and subjected to various forms of violence and abuse including arbitrary killings, torture and mutilation, sexual violence, forced marriage, forced prostitution, forced impregnation, forced termination of pregnancy and sterilisation. At the same time, structures, networks and systems that can protect girls and women are likely to be weakened or destroyed, disrupting essential health services.

Twelve out of 16 countries in our region are prioritising sexual reproductive health and rights making it our second thematic priority.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights, Comprehensive sexuality education, Sexual and reproductive health services
