What we do at the MEESA Regional Hub

Learn more about Plan International’s key areas of work at the Regional Hub for Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa.

Our key areas of work

Silhouette girls looking outside the door

Protection from violence

Our goal is to ensure girls, boys, and adolescents can live in environments free from harmful practices, have the knowledge and skills to identify situations of violence, and duty bearers recognise and act against violence towards children and adolescents.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights

Our goal is to ensure children, adolescents and young people in all their diversity have control of their lives and bodies, and can make decisions about their sexuality, free from discrimination, coercion or violence.

Girls smiling looking at a book
Youth seated together clapping smiling

Skills and opportunities for youth employment and empowerment

Our goal is to ensure that young people are resilient and are actively engaged in decent work of their choosing, be it waged or self-employed.

Inclusive quality education

Our goal is to ensure vulnerable and excluded children access and complete inclusive quality education from pre-primary to secondary level.

Girls holding hands walking to school