Plan International Mexico

Migrant girls in Mexico

We are a development and humanitarian organization that advocates for children’s rights and equality for girls. We are currently working on the northern and southern borders of the country, in Tapachula, Chiapas, and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, where our team works to address the direct needs of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.

We respond to the migration and humanitarian crisis. There are several reasons for irregular and forced migration from Central America, South America, the Caribbean, and even some African countries. Among the most common are political instability, violence, conflicts, lack of opportunities, and lack of security. This situation particularly affects girls and adolescent girls due to gender inequality.

From January to April 2024, 481,025 people registered by Mexican authorities migrated to Mexico irregularly, according to the 2024 Monthly Migration Statistics Bulletin. Of these people, 59,041 were children and adolescents, and 2,423 were unaccompanied children and adolescents.

Particularly, girls, adolescents, and women are at risk of falling victim to trafficking, and sexual and labor exploitation. Therefore, we aim to ensure that the rights of all children and adolescents on the move are guaranteed, particularly the right to refuge, education, health and basic services, and to live a life free of violence.

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Where we work

Our address

Viena 161, Int. 31,

Del Carmen,


CP: 04100 Ciudad de México,


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Map of where we work

Key contacts

  • Pierre Coupeau Country Representative
    Pierre Coupeau

    Country Representative