Plan International Chad

Plan International began operating in Chad in October 2023. We work in partnership with local organisations to ensure children are safe and can go to school in the face of challenging situations, whether they live in refugee camps or host communities.

Chad borders 5 countries in crisis: Libya, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger.

Although the country itself is also in crisis, it hosts many refugees, making it the largest host country per capita in Africa. This creates a very difficult situation for a country listed by the UN as the second most vulnerable to climate change in the world.

The conflict that broke out in Sudan in April 2023 forced thousands of Sudanese to seek refuge outside the country, with large numbers settling in Chad. Women and children make up 90% of the refugees and 50% are under the age of 12.

We began operating in Adre and now also work in Ourang where we have built a temporary learning centre and child-friendly space to support refugee children’s learning, development and mental health.

Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face.

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Where we work

Our address

Immeubles GOUARA,

Rue de 10,

Quartier Klemat,


+235 97301815 

Map showing where Plan International works in Chad

Key contacts

  • Isaac Massaga

    Acting Head of Mission, Plan International Chad