
30 years in Bangladesh – towards a planned future

The proud 30-year journey of Plan International in Bangladesh, from inception to present day is detailed in this publication.
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Gender Responsive School and Community Safety Initiatives Project…

This project, implemented by Plan International APAC, Bangladesh and Nepal, aimed to create safer, gender-responsive educational environments in both countries to address climate-induced disaster…
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Turning the World Around

Insight from over 1000 participants into what it's like to be a girl or young woman activist leading the fight for equality today!
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Budget framework analysis on challenging fear of violence

This report analyses the country context, policies, and budgets of the fiscal year against gender-based violence and the associated sense of fear.
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Better Today

Experiences and dreams from young people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia-Pacific.
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Cashing In

This report presents a business case for investing in the empowerment of women in the ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh.
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White Paper on Women’s Economic Empowerment in Asia

This white paper strengthens Plan International’s engagement with ready-made garment and hospitality and tourism actors through the provision of contextualised and empirical evidence, and…
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Adolescent Life Skills and Parenting in Crisis Settings

This report highlights the findings of consultations that were held with adolescents in displacement settings in Bangladesh, the Lake Chad Basin (Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria), Central African…
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Time to Act – Let’s Go Digital!

Using digital technology to end child, early and forced marriage and reduce adolescent pregnancy.
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Digital birth registration in Bangladesh

This study will be a blueprint for an integrated programme specifically aimed at improving digital birth registration services across Bangladesh.
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Efforts to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage in Asia

Child, early and forced marriage scourges the lives of millions of girls globally and across Asia, gravely affecting and undermining their integral wellbeing and health, while exposing them…
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Eliminating Child, Early and Forced Marriage

This is the first phase into an extensive research on Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Asia. It provides a snapshot of CEFM in Asia, consolidates and analyses evidence over the past…
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