Plan International South Sudan

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation and has been operating in South Sudan since 2006.

At present, we work in 5 states, namely: Central Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, Lakes, Upper Nile and Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

We work together with children, young people, supporters and partners; including civil society organisations, the private sector, UN Agencies and government institutions, to improve the lives of children and equality for girls.

Our key areas of work include:

  • Inclusive, quality education
  • Children and young people’s economic rights
  • Participation and protection from violence
  • Disaster risk reduction and management.

Our work supports children, especially girls, to access their rights to education, health, protection and economic security. We are also working to bring lasting positive change to a country that has emerged from decades of civil war and continues to experience instability and insecurity.

We strive to advance children’s rights and equality for girls, and ensure that all children, families and communities actively participate in their country’s development.

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Hunger crisis appeal

The world is in the grip of the most devastating hunger crisis ever seen.

Act now. Save lives.

Where we work

Our address

P.O.Box 182 Hai Jerusalem,


+211 922555098

Follow us:

Map of South Sudan featuring location of our Country Office and where we work.