Plan International Guinea-Bissau

Plan International began operating in Guinea-Bissau in 1995.

Our ambition is for all children live in a society where their rights to education, health and protection are ensured, including in emergency situations.

Working together with children, young people, supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children face.

We are active in the counties of Bissau, Bafata, Gabu, Oio, Farim, and Tombali. 

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Our current priorities include:

  • Health
  • Child protection and participation in society
  • Improved access to basic, inclusive, quality education
  • Early childhood care and development 
  • Skills training and job opportunities for young people.

Where we work

Our address

Avenida dos Combatentes da Liberdade da Pátria,

Bairro Penha – frente ao edifício do BCEAO,

Caixa Postal 597 Bissau

(+245) 96 663 17 76/ 95 530 79 47

Follow us:

A map showing where Plan International works in Guinea-Bissau.

Key contacts

  • Martial Kounou, Head of Operations Mano River Cluster, Plan International Guinea-Bissau
    Martial Kounou

    Head of Operations Mano River Cluster, Plan International Guinea-Bissau

  • Profile picture Medard OUINSAVI.
    Medard Ouinsavi

    Head of Mission, Plan International Guinea-Bissau