Strengthening Child Protection and Sexual, Reproductive, Health and Rights in Rwanda Project

Project document cover image. The project's goal is to create a nurturing environment where vulnerable children, adolescents, and young people, including those with disabilities, are supported, with a particular focus on girls.
Community Impact Bulletin

Plan International Rwanda was awarded a grant by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) for a project titled “Strengthening Child Protection and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Rwanda” under the “Generation Change Programme (GCP) 1.0” for 5 years. This project is being implemented in partnership with 4 local organisations: Collectif des Ligues et Associations de Défense des Droits de l’Homme au Rwanda, Coalition Umwana ku Isonga, Young Women’s Christian Association – Rwanda and Health Development Initiative.

The project’s goal is to create a conducive environment where vulnerable children, adolescent and youth, including those with disabilities, especially girls, are equally cared for, protected from all forms of violence, and supported to make informed decisions about
their sexuality and reproduction.

This project collaborates with government institutions, civil society organisations (CSOs), law enforcement officials, social workers, caregivers, parents and teachers, focusing on advocacy aspects, and is implemented across the local communities in Gatsibo, Bugesera, and Nyaruguru districts.

Download the Community Impact Bulletin to find out more about the project



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