Protection from violence

Every child has the internationally recognised right to grow up living a life free from violence and fear.

Working together with like-minded partners, our goal is to ensure girls, boys, and adolescents can live in environments free from harmful practices, have the knowledge and skills to identify situations of violence, and duty bearers recognise and act against violence towards children and adolescents.

Girls in silhouette looking outside door
Plan International is working with young women from the outskirts of Harare in Zimbabwe who are trapped in a cycle of exploitation that sees successive generations abandon the classroom to earn an income from prostitution. © Plan International / ST Productions

Keeping children safe

The protection from violence priority covers our work in child protection as well as our work to prevent and respond to family violence affecting children and violence against young women, particularly sexual and gender-based violence in emergencies. 

Our work contributes to ensuring that all children, adolescents and youth who have experienced violence in areas where Plan International programmes are implemented, are provided with the best quality support services available that are gender and age-appropriate and inclusive, together with partners and government service providers.

In our region, all our countries apart from Malawi have identified protection from violence as a main concern, making it our top thematic priority. 

Protection in emergencies

In emergencies, we work in partnership with girls and boys, their families, communities, service providers, inter-agency coordination mechanisms, and government actors in preparedness, response and recovery.

Our child protection in emergency programming invests in preventing child labour and sexual and gender-based violence in emergencies, with a focus on harmful practices, targeting specifically adolescents in emergencies and children on the move.​​​​​​​

We also work to strengthen existing community-based child protection mechanisms and structures, and to support law enforcement agencies and allied services by training its members and staff and by providing technical assistance. 

Advocating for children’s protection

Our influencing work involves advocating to decision makers at all levels for the implementation of strong, gender-responsive legal and policy frameworks which protect children and young people, particularly girls and young women, from all types of violence. Our approach to influencing emphasises the importance of addressing the root causes of violence through legislation and policy by shifting harmful norms which drive violence and discrimination.

Protection from violence, Child protection in emergencies, Gender-based violence
