Plan International Brazil

Girls taking part in a Plan International Brazil programme

Plan International has been working in Brazil since 1997 to promote children’s right and equality for girls.

We operate in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Bahia and São Paulo to create communities that are free from violence where girls and boys have equal opportunities.

Brazil is a country marked by deep social, economic and political inequalities. For instance, 33 million people are food insecure, Brazil has the fifth highest number of child brides in the world and 10% of young people dropped out of school during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The lack of representation of women in politics is also an issue. Women occupy just 17.7% of seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 12.3% in the Federal Senate.

We tackle the root causes of the challenges and inequalities that children and young girls face.We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Our work ensures girls are able to lead, learn, decide and thrive:

  • Lead: Girls have a strong voice and act as agents of change in the promotion of their rights.
  • Learn: Girls learn and become actively engaged in society so they are able to get decent jobs or become entrepreneurs.
  • Decide: Girls have control over their lives and bodies, taking informed decisions about their identities, relationships and when to have children.
  • Thrive: Children and their communities prevent violence against girls so they are able to follow their ambitions.

Where we work

Our address

Rua Enxovia,

472 – Sala 1007 Edifício Neo Corporate,

Chácara Santo Antônio,

São Paulo/SP


+55 (11) 4420-8081

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A map showing where Plan International works in Brazil.